
                                                        The Sanctuary of Truth

                This Sanctuary of Truth was conceived out of Eastern vision that human civilization has been achieved, and nurtured by religious and philosophical Truth, This sanctuary was created not from hubris but from goodness drawn from religion, philosophy and art of Rathanakosin the present era by Mr.Lek Viriyabhan in 1981, (80 rai) 32 acres by seashore, Raj-cha-ves cape. The great wood sculptures Thai traditional pavilion four regent gable styles, by ancient Thai technical.
                From the cold war era until today, the world has been under the influence of western civilization, accentuated by materialism and devotion to advance technology over on humanly spiritual and morality, and most people are only happiness in this life, and believing that there is no life after this.
                Man cannot be born and exist without seven creators, so the sanctuary of truth presented seven creators through carved wood sculptures. They are Heaven, Earth, Sun, Moon, Star, Father and Mother four-obligation factor on top four spires and one on top tallest central spire was presented.
                East spire
Goddess holding a book symbolizing the continuation of immortal philosophy by learning practice precept scripture.
                South spire
                Celestial holding a child and leading an elderly symbolizing life bestowed upon human being by sacrifice and sharing from past through future, for more meaningful.
                North spire
                Celestial holding a lotus flower symbolizing the establishment of religion, the pillar of the world, therefore behave in religious course and conscience.
                West spire
                Goddess holding with a pigeon on her hand and an ear of paddy in right hand, symbolizing peace and wealth, man can live good lives if conduct good deeds.

Top tallest central spire
                Kalaki mounting a horse, the symbolizing of the last Bodhisattva who’ll achieve enlightenment in the world to safe and leading all man for the ideal world, relieve sufferings, live good lives by sharing love and sacrifice is Phra sri Ariyamettrai who’ll arise in future.

Western Hall
The Sky – The Earth (Four elements)
                Represented carved work that the world is composed of the great four elements from the beginning of time.  The Sky or Universe presented by Wind element and Fire element, it’s self evolution. The Earth represented by Water element and Earth element, it’s the placing for origin being.
                Called World, that it is unstable from beginning to the end and soulless-self no desire.

Southern Hall
The Star – The Sun – The moon
                Represented wood sculptures the sun, the moon and the god of planets move around along their orbits in the sky.
                They influence all environment that carry things into effected live and created world evolution, such as livelihood and deed on Earth that make things different between creature and humanly by morality spirit that man can developing their race and resolving good or bad and purpose the world to remain.
                And wood sculptures in the epic Mahabharata about the war between good and evil episodes of the Bhagavad-gita, Krishana enlightened the king O-ra-chun to perceive the cycle of birth and death that all beings well be by own deed or sin, but the virtuous obligation shall remain by doing good for goodness.

Eastern hall
Father – Mother
                Represented wood sculptures depict parents, as the creators, who give life love and caring their offspring, parental love is clean and pure, they giving without taking. The kindliness of father and mother is greater than the sky and ocean.
                So, humanly care is the great spiritual, that can teach and learn how to live with respect also payback grateful to their idol as virtue obligation, therefore human so different than another seed on Earth.

Northern hall
Sacrifice – Sharing
                Represented wood sculptures depict of Chinese supernatural being (8 immortal) and Taoism also the Confucianism to present the precept that including the Bodhisattva, as viewed by Mahayana Buddhism, one of the two branches of Buddhism, such as Kuanyin, Manyachusri, etc. Who will enlighten and is Buddha, but decline to reach nirvana, wanting to save men from suffering first.
                Although born under different circumstances. If conduct good deeds by released from desires, lust, and learning sacrifice sharing giving love to the other. Men can be release from the cycle of Karma (cycle of live)
                (To correct the bad behavior and making merit.)

Center hall
Release from cycle of life
                Represented wood sculptures the great four porticos symbolizing entrance to four sublime truths the foundation doctrines of Buddhism and Bud-sa-boke pavilion symbolizing emptiness of universe truth the cycle of live from beginning to the end of desire
                World physical beings deteriorate an aged by the time but truth and goodness are immortal, so man shall practice their obligation of five precept for no harming, it’s nature state of conscience to enlightening spiritual empty, cause of suffer, world-unstable and soulless-self by released from lust, passion, attachment to empty of exist because physical being deteriorate by cycle of life. Its nature-state from originate, situation and elimination is the great noble truth.
                Every believe every religion and every philosophy leads their conscience by different paths to achieve the world peace remain.

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